Creating Under Duress: What’s the Difference Between Creating Because You Want To or You Have To

BoothI love to quilt. I see something and it just inspires me to create it in fabric, to bring together different colors, textures and patterns with uneven hand-quilting to bring up details and contours. My quilts never look exactly like what I initially saw to inspire me; they take on their own identity through the creation process and I happily let that happen, too.

Sometimes, I quilt because I haven’t done it in a while, and then I ponder a bit to get started.  Typically that doesn’t take long, since I love to quilt.  Other times, I will see or imagine one thing after another, and quilts just flow into existence.  At no time do I have a timetable on a quilt; each one sets its own schedule.  It is just pure joy to work in this manner – no deadlines, no pressure, just do it for the sake of doing it.


20150418_112216We recently suffered a disaster.  A laundromat dryer, set on 10 minutes at the coolest heat setting to take the dampness out of 11 quilts (my other quilts, most of my comforters and all of my table linens were in a separate, identically set dryer), broiled them on high heat, melted the batting and permanently ruined all of them.  I am still teary just thinking about it.  Certainly there’s the financial loss to my shop, but that comes far behind the devastation I feel for the hours and hours of love that went into each and every one.

And here’s the predicament…  I have a total of three quilts in inventory.  I have three shows over five weeks time seven weeks from now.  For the first time, I am forced to create, to produce more quilts not because I am inspired, but because I need quilts to display.

A Whole Different Process

P4270118A full five days ago I got out all of my printed quilt fabrics.  I sorted them into pieces that could be quilt backs, chunks that could be cut into shapes (which I also put into color groups), and tiny scraps that might or might not be usable.  This activity took the better part of two hours.  My idea is that I want to do as much as possible without buying anything.

But here’s the problem…  nothing has changed in five days.  The piles of fabric haven’t been touched or moved.  I simply don’t know where to begin.  Do I attempt to recreate what I had?  Or do I look for new inspiration?  Do I shoot for three or four larger pieces, or a larger number of smaller pieces?  If I opt for smaller, what are they?

stress-cartoonCreating Under Duress

Creating under duress is a whole different thing than doing it for the love of doing it.  It requires discipline and deadlines.  It mandates that the love factor be placed on the back-burner in favor of production.  It’s “just do it” time, whether you want to or not.

It remains to be seen whether what I ‘create’ in the next 7 weeks has the feeling of what I had before.  This is so different………..

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Posted in Handmade, Handmade Artisans, Handmade Mode, Information, Promote Handmade

8 Responses to “Creating Under Duress: What’s the Difference Between Creating Because You Want To or You Have To”

  • trusk4u says:

    It still makes me sad about your beautiful quilts! That is quite the dilemma you have, but I think that the piles are waiting to tell you something. I wish you all kinds of luck with your creative process. I hope it turns out to be enjoyable and not a chore.

  • chainmaille says:

    Great post Sandi! Shared 😀

  • Sewdifferent says:

    Sorry for your loss. A long time ago I got scared off of doing any outdoor shows as my first was a windy rainstorm weekend.. While I want to sell more– I did recently a decision that for a few months I would just create and not even concentrate on whether the pieces I am presently making are appealing for the mass market….It has been very freeing–I may be breaking away from “branding” myself– and it feels good.. perhaps it is a blessing for you. Part of me wants to ( and actually has ) removed some items that I no longer think reflect my evolving style.

  • Sandi, great post, I am still very das for you and the loss of your beautiful creations.

  • chainmaille says:

    My suggestion is to do 1, even if you recreate one that was ruined. Sometimes you need to just start and get your foot in the door and the rest will follow!

  • MsMartyD says:

    I just saw you post about the loss. I have some lovely cotton pieces I could get into a priority envelope. I don’t quilt but I have strong admiration for those who do. If you can get me a private message with your address I’ll send some. I love the blue one on the lower right side of the pic.

  • MsMartyD says:

    I just thought of something….. Quilted totes might be a way to get back in the swing of things. Just something small and pretty to get you back on your creative feet.

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