Writing Winning Descriptions for your Handmade Listings

Handbound JournalBefore the internet, I often shopped by catalogue and two of my favorites were Coldwater Creek and JPeterman’s. Were the clothes any more stylish or the price or fit better than other catalogues? Probably not but what sold me was the product description. My eye was drawn to the visual but the words used to describe the items captivated me. Check out their websites and you’ll see how the product descriptions tell a story and the copy gives you the experience of adventure or romance. The words make you imagine how you’ll feel wearing the clothes and that emotion is what makes you hit the “Buy Now” button.




South Western Earrings


Here are a few tips for writing winning product descriptions:

  • Write like you speak.  Keeping your tone conversational will allow them to feel they know you as a person not just your product and that likability factor is key in the handmade experience. They are buying from a real person not a manufacturer.
  • Make it personal and emotional, speaking to the buyer directly as if they were your friend. “When YOU wear this piece you’ll FEEL…”
  • Attach the item to a story: “The inspiration for this scarf came to me when I was shell collecting on the beach at Sanibel and I noticed the turquoise horizon line where the sea met the azure sky.”
  • Your product title should be an attention grabber. Use descriptive adjectives: sparkling, dazzling, shimmering, luscious, plush, dangling.
  • Whether you make wearables or home decor items, talk about the benefits, not just the features. “The toggle makes it easy to clasp the bracelet one-handed. This clock is lightweight enough to hang with a pushpin.”
  • If you’re having difficulty coming up with good descriptions, there are a number of good books and articles on the topic, such as “Words that Sell”  by Richard Bayan.

People scanning your page are initially attracted to the images but the wording of your product description is key to taking them from browsers to buyers.

Click on the images above to learn more about this products!

Terri from Craft Biz Blog.com



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