
“Talk like a Pirate Day” September 19th on

September 19th is “Talk like a Pirate Day.” Just for the entire silliness of this day, Avast, me hearties! (pay attention!) Why do we need an International Talk Like a Pirate Day? Make no mistake. We do. But it’s a little hard to articulate why, especially when you’ve made the mistake of referring to your […]

The “Candy Bomber”
handmade homemade chocolate covered caramel candy

Christmas 1948, the “Candy Bomber” I was 2 years old lil girl and remember it well. How happy we were, all of us, who had nothing and were hungry. That is why I still today love candy, maybe even to much. And has plenty of it…. Christmas from Heaven is a true story of […]

Handmade Sweets

Written by Rapunzel’s Garden While it is true that you can buy all sorts of candy in the supermarket, making your own is much more fun. Moreover home-made sweets are much healthier because you can use high quality ingredients and no artificial flavors. Here are some easy recipes to start with, which do not require […]


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