After spending 25+ years in the technology industry, I am finally able to pursue being creative full time. Even though I loved designing databases, teaching computers classes and creating development standards in my industry, it was also very demanding and stressful. Now I can spend more time with family and spend my day feeding my creative nature, while using the other side of my brain.
I have been crocheting various items including scarves, gloves, afghans (in various sizes), lapghans and baby afghans for over three decades. As a child, my mother taught me the gift of crocheting, knitting, cross stitch, embroidery, etc. She was a master seamstress and a very gifted crafter. My mom’s challenge was that her daughter was a lefty and she was right handed. At that time there were no books, videos, or information available for lefties.
Hence the unique quality of Cr8tive Lefty creations was born. My mom showed me that anything hand made is a gift of love and can never be rushed. You are creating a gift that is an extension of your heart. The more advanced designs are not easy but when you are done you know you have created a piece of art.
I look forward to sharing my art with you. Thank you for supporting handmade artists.
For REVIEWS/FEEDBACK from my clients check out my website --->
Female, Born on December 22