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Aromatic Cedar Belaying Pin Keychain

Aromatic Cedar Belaying Pin Keychain
Aromatic Cedar Belaying Pin Keychain
Aromatic Cedar Belaying Pin Keychain

Product Details:

For our sea-going, pre-emptive salvaging friends. Hand turned Aromatic Cedar wood with steel eye and split ring; 2 1/2" x 1 1/2". Belayng pins are used as a quick release on sailing ships to temporarily tie off ropes. (see picture) Aromatic cedar, the same wood used in cedar chests, is a softer hardwood banded with bold red and old ivory graining. It takes a matte polish and has not been sealed so that it smells nice. It has been saturated in cedar oil to ensure the longevity of the fragrance and to keep the wood from drying and splitting. Cedar species can be found in almost all northern latitudes.
Although belaying pins must be built to a certain basic form, each one has slightly different designs.
Not a toy and not suitable for children under 13

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Items ships from : United_States.

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We accept the following forms of payment:
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United_States $ 15.00 $ 5.00
Everywhere Else $ 25.00 $ 15.00

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Price: $ 10.00

Product Information
Product name - Aromatic Cedar Belaying Pin Keychain
Price: USD 10.00
In Stock: 1

Listed On 2016-01-30


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Storm Hortman
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Aromatic Cedar Belaying Pin Keychain
Aromatic Cedar Belaying Pin Keychain