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Dash the Running Tree Art Prints

Dash the Running Tree Art Prints
Dash the Running Tree Art Prints

Product Details:

 Dash is the first in my Tree Folk Series. This series was inspired by a nice long hike I took in the woods a few weeks ago.

When I started snapping photos I saw the Tree Folks emerge in the image.

I am afraid Dash is a bit of a scardy-cat, but you will have to wait on the story to know why he wants to run.

I have several more Tree Folks to develope in to paintings and write the stories for. I plan to publish a children's book of short stories featuring my Tree Folk characters.

You will receive an 8x10 artist quality print of this painting signed by me. Please allow 2 weeks since I am doing print on demand.

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Price: $ 20.00

Product Information
Product name - Dash the Running Tree Art Prints
Price: USD 20.00
In Stock: 5

Listed On 2013-01-06


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Dash the Running Tree Art Prints