The Unaware Artist

I believe that everyone is an Artist. Maybe not by popular definition, but all people have tapped or untapped creativity. For example: hobbies such as kntting, sewing, painting, drawing and doodling require creativity. To me, people who engage in these activities are Artists. Whether they sell their work or not is inconsequential – they still create. Some people are such good Artists that they don’t even know it. Some people could probably even sell their work. It’s all relative. And another thing; I believe that creating makes you feel good and gives you a sense of accomplishment. It even gives me endorphins, or a rush in layman’s terms. Art Therapy is a well-known form of therapy because it really does work – mostly for the reasons I just mentioned. That’s why it’s provided in psychiatric wards and nursing homes. Art can be cathartic as well. It can be a way of releasing all sorts of emotions. It also can relieve boredom and pass time. Everyone should tap into their creativity. It should be mandatory! Go on and try something you always wanted to but didn’t think you could. Who knows, you might be the next Picasso or Michelangelo!! You many even be sitting on a bundle of cash. People could very well want to purchase your work. So there. I encourage everyone to at least try. We’ve all got something special in us. I’m certain of it.

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Posted in Handmade Harbor

One Response to “The Unaware Artist”

  • zoraida says:

    I agree that we are all artists somewhere inside. Sometimes that artist gets buried and forgotten as we focus ourt attention on less creative and mundane things. Thanks for reminding us of our true nature.

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