
Why Would You Write a Business Plan?

I’m sure you have heard that part of a business is a business plan, but why? You can understand why the big retailers would need one, after all they are working in big bucks, but why would a small, often one man show, bother? In the end, it comes down to whether or not you […]

Sometimes, the Glass is Completely Empty!
handmade handbound journal

I was so flattered to be given the opportunity to be a contributor here on the HandmadeArtists Blog. It’s a simple commitment….write one article a month. I like to write so this should be easy….right? Not this month! The month is almost gone, and I hadn’t typed a single word. Yesterday and today, I’ve been […]

Happy I Love to Write Day

Happy I Love to Write Day! In classrooms around the world, the collective groan is heard loud and clear when an essay is assigned; a business executive bangs his head softly on his desk knowing the report is due in an hour and an author struggles to finish the next great novel. No matter who […]


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