small business

Marketing 101: Tips for Your Small Business Promotion

We artsy-crafty people do not love marketing. But it’s a necessary evil of having your own small business. It needs to be done well and often, and most of us are not good at it. The fact that we don’t necessarily enjoy it just makes it that much more difficult. But there are many lessons […]

Take a Break!

When was the last time that you really took a break? After all, there is so much to be done… social networking, blogging, marketing, finish this project and that one, design the next one. The list goes on and on, and if you are anything at all like me, you sleep soundly at night while […]

The Power of the Press

Almost everyone today would flat out tell you that newspapers have outlived their usefulness; that no one reads ‘the paper’ anymore. If you want to read something, you simply go online. While that may be true, those newspapers are what many people are reading online. The press still has a tremendous impact and a wide […]

Does Your Online Shop Look Like a “Real” Shop? Inspiring Confidence in Web Shoppers

People all over the world shop online. They are looking for quality, value, something a bit unusual, a combination of all of these things, or something else entirely. The miracle comes when this total stranger manages to find your shop. When that happens, do they immediately think it’s a real store-some place they can confidently […]

What’s an Avatar? How Do I Get One? Why Do I Need One?

If you cruise around the web at all, you’ve been asked to add an avatar at almost every turn. Sometimes, it’s a simple request to upload a picture for your profile; sometimes you are asked for a logo or thumbnail; sometimes it’s specifically called an avatar. All it is is a small .jpg (picture file) […]

What’s Going to Sell? Predicting the Future in Arts and Crafts

Everyone knows that you have to keep evolving to stay in business. That doesn’t mean you change mediums; it simply is a reality that what worked last year may not work next year if it is exactly the same. But how do you know what’s going to sell? I don’t know about you, but my […]

Art Show Success: Tips to Help Make Your Show a Winner

There actually are hand-crafters who make their living doing art festivals and shows year-round. Then there are others who do a combination of online/in-person. Whether shows generate all or part of sales is up to each individual artist/crafter. But there are lots of them that make shows work, even under the most horrible conditions….rain, poor […]

“Best Practices” – Really?

In the business world, even the small business world, the phrase “best practices” comes up continually. There are many experts that will tell you emphatically that “best practices” should always be followed. But I am a firm believer in the fact that generalized statements are rarely true, and here’s why. What Are “Best Practices?” Best […]

Is There Such a Thing As a “Bad Show?”

A whole lot of handmade artisans decide to do a show – some form of arts and crafts festival. Everyone tends to judge the success – or failure – of such events in dollars and cents alone. But sales alone do not determine whether a show is a good show or a bad show. The […]

Leap of Faith – Inspiring Consumer Confidence

Recently, we had an issue with one of our vehicles. A couple of the gauges in our truck stopped working – they were always pegged. The dealer quoted $900 for the repair. So onto the internet we go. We found a listing for people called The Gauge Guy who would complete the repair and convert […]


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