Featured Artist Blue Highways

There are many passions in the world, but for Andrea, fabric and books make her go weak in the knees; or, according to her friends, her drug of choice! So, what does one do with such an addiction? Well, create of course!

Andrea started off right with an extremely creative mother that had to try her hand at everything once; and always with a faithful Andrea standing by to help.  This creative encouragement has followed Andrea and encouraged her to try her hand at anything herself.  A few years ago, she was involoved with an international art group that wished to bind a book for themselves.  Many YouTube videos and how to books later, the first book was finished and Andrea found herself hooked on the process.

In 2010 fate pushed Andrea to leap into the art world full time.  Her office job ended and her supportive hubby suggested that she stay home and do what she loved most (besides him of course) and create!  Soon after, BlueHighways was born…not right away mind you…Andrea began making books and giving them away to many lucky friends and family members.  When a friend suggested she try selling them her big fear was that if her love became her job she might end up hating her work!  Soon, Andrea took the leap and offered up a few of her handmade journals for sale…and the rest, as they say…is history.  Sales are picking up and she is showing locally as well as online and taking custom orders.  On top of working in her passion, she has made friends around the world that share in her desire to create with their hands and appreciate handmade for how special it is.

Why journals and books?  Well Andrea loves the entire process.  Her books are her babies from choosing the fabric, paper, binding method and thread.  The process of binding itself has become meditative and she loves to think that her work will survive for generations thanks to only working with acid free products.

Andrea encourages anyone that is interested in jumping into handmade sales and offers this advice, “Promote yourself.  That is the very best advice I can give.  Whatever you are making make it the best, something to be proud of and probably even sorry to see leave for its new home…pack it pretty!”  Love this!  Take pride in your work and in your presentation and show the world how special handmade can be!

Are you ready to feast your eyes on Andrea’s creations for yourself?  Well, she is easy to find all over the web including the HandmadeArtistsShop and on Etsy .  You can follow her on Twitter and check up on all her newest offerings on her blog     .

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