Contributor Terri Belford

Terri has been self employed for over 30 years in home furnishings, fine arts, healing arts and contemporary crafts fields.  She started her first business, an ad agency,  in her 20s . She’s been all sides of the handmade business from exhibiting artist to artists’ agent/representative to gallery owner. Since selling her gallery of contemporary craft in 2007, Terri has continued to help aspiring entrepreneurs, artists, crafts people and collectors become their own boss while making a living based on their creative pursuits.

Terri conducts small group workshops and does individual consulting to help creatives turn their idea into income. She says, “ Artists don’t need  more ‘how-to’ business books. They need someone to tune in to their interests, really listen and give them concrete ideas to make their passions profitable. I’ve found most aspiring entrepreneurs are turned off by rigid business plans and MBA speak. I help them design a customized map to put the life back in their livelihood and turn their interests into income and craft into cash.”

You can find Terri at Craft Biz Blog or Inspired Livelihood

Craft Biz Coach in First Person

My work and playtime are a lovely collage of walking my dog, Lucy,  by the sea, camping in the Monterey pines, and cross country adventures in my VW camper-van. (sadly, not the 60s version-but more a glorified minivan complete with mobile broadband, desk and outlets to recharge my laptop. I love reading, writing, spending quiet time with friends, listening to the stories of strangers and watching people in airports. The art and customs of different cultures fascinate me. Motown music makes me happy, Black Gospel singers stir my soul and the Blues makes me cry. My favorite teachers are those under five or over eighty five.

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