Discover Handmade

The Best Site to Sell Handmade

So you wonder which online platform is the VERY best for selling handmade works online, because that’s the one you will join. After all, you want to be on the best because your creations are the best. Makes perfect sense and it is why you should start checking in to The Shoppok website. But what on […]

Shop Small and Handmade!

Please excuse me while I hop onto my soap box for a bit. We Americans buy a lot of gifts.I watched the frenzy throughout the year, whether it was Valentine’s Day, St. Patrick’s Day, Easter, and on and on.It’s year-round and endless – so many people buy things they don’t actually need with money they […]

It’s Just a Word!

Because of US Government regulations, my creations must all be labeled to include specific information. One of these pieces of information is location of manufacture. Most of you know that I recently moved and changed states in the process. Ever since I started doing this, my labels have simply included my zip code which satisfied […]

The Secret to Show Set-Up in a Jiffy
handmade display booth

Like most artists/craftsmen, many of us do festivals and shows as a way to create a market for our creations. Regardless of what it is that we display, be it our handmade talent or something bought while on a kitesurf cruise, the steps are the same for everyone; travel to location, check-in with organizer, unload, […]

Happy World School Milk Day

  Who remembers these! Day after day when you made your way through the school cafeteria line, a lady with a hair net would plop your little carton of milk on your tray. If you were one of the lucky schools, you got straws! If not, well, you got to fight the unwinnable war of […]

September Is National Sewing Month

President Ronald Reagan first declared September as National Sewing Month in 1982. For those who love to sew in one form or another this makes September one of our favorite months. There are so many different ways to express our creativity. Whether you sew by hand or with a machine, there is nothing like watching […]

Celebrate National Dog Day with Handmade Artists

National Dog Day is observed annually on August 26th.. This day encourages dog ownership of all breeds, mixed and pure, and embraces the opportunity for all dogs to live a happy, safe and abuse free life. There are few things more exciting, or more adorable than securing a new puppy for your home. Just as […]

Gaze at the Moon!

There is something so magical about looking up at the moon. It is the thing that almost forces you to dream big! In honor of this dreamy image, I present to you some magical handmade treasures by the talented people on HandmadeArtists! Tulipwood Pocket Wand From The Silk Roadie comes this stunning wand made from […]

Marketing 101: Tips for Your Small Business Promotion

We artsy-crafty people do not love marketing. But it’s a necessary evil of having your own small business. It needs to be done well and often, and most of us are not good at it. The fact that we don’t necessarily enjoy it just makes it that much more difficult. But there are many lessons […]


The weather in the NorthEast can’t decide if it wants to be winter or spring! I’m voting for spring personally. In honor of one of my favorite parts of spring, fresh fruit, I invite you to check out some amazing works of handmade art featuring peach! Rose Garden Set of 3 Stunning art photo of […]


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